The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul, with a new purpose... Making this planet a better place for humans and animals.
Wish you a very Happy New Year - 2013...
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
What Makes a Dog Crate Aversive?
Dog ownership responsibilities entails satisfying every single commitments towards your dog - including training, socializing, regular health check and even driving out with your herd. Crate training is an important part, and probably one of the most critical of training types. If not introduced correctly and training strategies not implemented properly crate training may breed behavioral issues like separation anxiety that can end up with nightmare for both you and your dog. Here's what makes a crate aversive to a puppy.
Enforcement: The act of enforcing the crate habit in your dog will eventually make the crate aversive. Forcing a puppy or a dog to enter the crate is considered as an abusive training method.
Too Small Space: Too scant space really cannot make room enough to teach your puppy to stay in the crate when desired. Your dog will feel jailed in the crate - especially when the space is too small and lack of air circulation.
Comfort factors: It is important to make your dog feel that a crate is his/ her private place and a comfort zone, where he/she can repose in peace and spend some quality personal time. At least his blanket and his favorite toy should be made available in the crate. This will keep away frustration.
Feel of Punishment: Once the dog starts considering a crate as a tool for punishment, the crate will become highly repulsive for him.
Crating Your Dog For Too Long Time: Crating your dog for too long time is torture to the animal. It is important to release your dog at least once in ever one-two hours.
Guest Post by: William James, representing
Enforcement: The act of enforcing the crate habit in your dog will eventually make the crate aversive. Forcing a puppy or a dog to enter the crate is considered as an abusive training method.
Too Small Space: Too scant space really cannot make room enough to teach your puppy to stay in the crate when desired. Your dog will feel jailed in the crate - especially when the space is too small and lack of air circulation.
Comfort factors: It is important to make your dog feel that a crate is his/ her private place and a comfort zone, where he/she can repose in peace and spend some quality personal time. At least his blanket and his favorite toy should be made available in the crate. This will keep away frustration.
Feel of Punishment: Once the dog starts considering a crate as a tool for punishment, the crate will become highly repulsive for him.
Crating Your Dog For Too Long Time: Crating your dog for too long time is torture to the animal. It is important to release your dog at least once in ever one-two hours.
Guest Post by: William James, representing

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Misuse of Choke and Prong Chains
Obviously, the most dangerous of all training tools is the choke chains and prong chains. If used on a dog that has not been trained properly can even claim life within a second chance. If used by an inexperienced handler the choke chains can lead to serious injury.
Records have shown evidences of canine injuries due to the misuse of choke and prong chains. Serious choke/ link chain injuries such as oesophageal damage, tracheal injuries, ocular vessels injuries, necks sprain, laryngeal nerve paralysis, misalignment of the cervical vertebrae, horner's Syndrome, transient foreleg paralysis and hind leg ataxia etc. have been documented in the veterinary record in March 1999.
The Kennel Club and RSPCA, however, still considers the choke chains as legal training tool – provided they are used by "experienced handlers". This policy, by itself sounds vague, because there's no parameter to count the experience of a handler. Most significantly accident can happen at any point of time even though they are used by experienced people.
Electronic dog training collar, however, has proved to be quite humane and a thousand times safer than the prong and choke chains. The device works on a static stimulation system. The dog gets a static stimulation by a device attached to the collar. The device is operated by the trainer by a remote transmitter. One pressing the button of the transmitter the device generates a static stimulation or an ultrasonic beep upon which your dog is trained to act.
Get more information about dog training collar at
Records have shown evidences of canine injuries due to the misuse of choke and prong chains. Serious choke/ link chain injuries such as oesophageal damage, tracheal injuries, ocular vessels injuries, necks sprain, laryngeal nerve paralysis, misalignment of the cervical vertebrae, horner's Syndrome, transient foreleg paralysis and hind leg ataxia etc. have been documented in the veterinary record in March 1999.
The Kennel Club and RSPCA, however, still considers the choke chains as legal training tool – provided they are used by "experienced handlers". This policy, by itself sounds vague, because there's no parameter to count the experience of a handler. Most significantly accident can happen at any point of time even though they are used by experienced people.
Electronic dog training collar, however, has proved to be quite humane and a thousand times safer than the prong and choke chains. The device works on a static stimulation system. The dog gets a static stimulation by a device attached to the collar. The device is operated by the trainer by a remote transmitter. One pressing the button of the transmitter the device generates a static stimulation or an ultrasonic beep upon which your dog is trained to act.
Get more information about dog training collar at

Friday, November 2, 2012
Non-Abusive Dog Bark Collar
Does your dog bark up a storm each time he finds other animal passing by? First off... it is your fault because you have not been able to socialize your dog to different situations, sounds and sights. However, the non-abusive dog bark collar has come up with a solution and acts as one of the most effective Temperament Teaching System. It is a simple device that works on sound impact sensor for detecting the sound vibration of the bark of the dog that wears the collar. This device has been designed to address the mad barking behavior of individual dog.
The device works in three simple phases:
Following phases are used by the trainers to teach the dog to bark or to stop barking on command. The trainer knows that the dog is going to stop barking, because the dog bark collar is worn round his neck. So, as soon as the dog starts barking, deliver a command 'NO' (which acts as the corrective command as the ultrasonic sound) firmly and the dog will stop barking – not because of your command but because the device's corrective beep. Once your dog stops barking reward him with his favorite tidbits and praise him lavishly. This lets him know that it pleases when he stops barking and he gets the reward. Repetitive practices with consistency will eventually correct the bad barking behavior.
More information about dog bark collar can be found at
The device works in three simple phases:
- First – It detects the sound sound vibration of the dog's bark, as soon as the dog that wears the collar bark.
- Second – As soon as the sensor detects the vibration, it delivers a corrective ultrasonic beep that is perceived by the dog in question
- Third - The dog stops barking as soon as the dog hears the irritating ultrasonic sound
Following phases are used by the trainers to teach the dog to bark or to stop barking on command. The trainer knows that the dog is going to stop barking, because the dog bark collar is worn round his neck. So, as soon as the dog starts barking, deliver a command 'NO' (which acts as the corrective command as the ultrasonic sound) firmly and the dog will stop barking – not because of your command but because the device's corrective beep. Once your dog stops barking reward him with his favorite tidbits and praise him lavishly. This lets him know that it pleases when he stops barking and he gets the reward. Repetitive practices with consistency will eventually correct the bad barking behavior.
More information about dog bark collar can be found at

Saturday, October 20, 2012
Disadvantages of a Wifi Dog Fencing System
Dog is unparalleled in their loyalty and friendship among all companion animals on the Earth. If you have ever loved a dog, I sure you have been showered by million-fold return. I have come across thousands of dog owners, but a few - just a few of them have exhibited responsible ownership.
Owning a dog is a lot easier than being a responsible owner. Not training him or not providing him the right kind of nutrition can save you some dollars instantly, but can claim a huge loss in future. It is important to fence your dog's yard. Physical fencing is preferred over the electronic fencing system, but many dog owners cannot meet the expense involved in installing a physical fence. A hi-tech wifi dog fencing system is however a great alternative for an expensive traditional fence.
An wifi dog fence works in the same way as the traditional enclosure, by creating a virtual boundary that you set. Whenever you dog tries to out pass the boundary, an automatic warning beep alerts the dog. The entire system is controlled automatically through a device that is set to monitor your dog’s movement based on the maximum the range that you set.
However, there are certain limitations of a wifi fencing system:
This hi-tech containment system may not work for you if:
1) Your dog is not fence trained - Proper fence training is a must for optimum success
2) Your dog's yard is beyond the wifi signal range - DIY Dog Fence system works best in yards not more than 100 acres.
3) Minimum yard size or dimension of the dog's yard is too large - The yard must be near to the power outlet
Check out more information on
Owning a dog is a lot easier than being a responsible owner. Not training him or not providing him the right kind of nutrition can save you some dollars instantly, but can claim a huge loss in future. It is important to fence your dog's yard. Physical fencing is preferred over the electronic fencing system, but many dog owners cannot meet the expense involved in installing a physical fence. A hi-tech wifi dog fencing system is however a great alternative for an expensive traditional fence.
An wifi dog fence works in the same way as the traditional enclosure, by creating a virtual boundary that you set. Whenever you dog tries to out pass the boundary, an automatic warning beep alerts the dog. The entire system is controlled automatically through a device that is set to monitor your dog’s movement based on the maximum the range that you set.
However, there are certain limitations of a wifi fencing system:
This hi-tech containment system may not work for you if:
1) Your dog is not fence trained - Proper fence training is a must for optimum success
2) Your dog's yard is beyond the wifi signal range - DIY Dog Fence system works best in yards not more than 100 acres.
3) Minimum yard size or dimension of the dog's yard is too large - The yard must be near to the power outlet
Check out more information on

Monday, July 30, 2012
International Whale’s Day - February 19th
On February 19th the International Whale’s Day has been marked since the International Whaling Commission proclaimed a ban on whaling in 1986. For many decades of the 20 th century whale fishers have been hunting these marine giants for meat, whale bones, whale blubbers or bone flour. Eventually,the number of whale individuals significantly declined and many species found themselves on the verge of extinction. As an example, blue whales might be provided. Recent estimations of their population cannot find a common dominator; some claim that there up to 2 thousand blue whales in the World Ocean, others point out 15 thousand whales distributed over Northern and Southern hemispheres. In particular, blue whales are considered the crown jewel of the Atlantic Ocean, especially northern areas.
Blue whales are recognized as the biggest mammals on the Earth. The average weight is nearly 100-120 tones, which corresponds to a value of 40 African elephants. To support normal living a whale should consume 1 million calories per day that is usually comprised of krill (1 tone). Speaking of meal culture, it is impossible not to mention its peaceful nature, as far as blue whales are typical planktotrophics, which makes the situation with their extinction more sorrowful and distressing.
The other peculiar feature worth underlining is a specific way of communication between individuals. It is associated with whale songs, which are recognized by individuals on the distance of 1600 km. They are often observed during reproduction period, underlining the connection to family functions of mammals. This fact has alerted an attention of scientists and zoologists, dealing with gathering some facts about blue whales.
To be more précised, scientific interest is one out of two issues, which allow whales’ hunting. The other one is necessities of indigenous people in whale hunting. As a source of food it is not forbidden for the indigenous peoples of Alaska, the Far Eastern regions of Russia and Greenland, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Meat was the prime purpose of animals’ population decline; in particular, an adult blue whale individual can give about 40 tons of meat. The statistics concludes that during the 20 the century the number of whales decreased in 100 times.
However, hunting is not the only reason of blue whales disappearance. In this context, clashes with seacrafts are getting more and more serious. The average number of whale deaths from marine vessels is 1,2 accidents per year, but there are also true record years; for example, in 2007 4 fatal encounters occurred in the Pacific Ocean. Gulf of Saint Lawrence is also a region, where blue whales get lots of
injuries. According to marine observations the number of whales suffering from scars and wounds reaches 9-25%. The other negative effect sea vessels perform is a disturbance of echolocation abilities of whales. Voice signals are often silenced, which makes the communication and shoals’ formation almost impossible. It also influences on blue whales’ number within waters of the World Ocean.
Guest Post by Maria Kruk, an author for
Blue whales are recognized as the biggest mammals on the Earth. The average weight is nearly 100-120 tones, which corresponds to a value of 40 African elephants. To support normal living a whale should consume 1 million calories per day that is usually comprised of krill (1 tone). Speaking of meal culture, it is impossible not to mention its peaceful nature, as far as blue whales are typical planktotrophics, which makes the situation with their extinction more sorrowful and distressing.
The other peculiar feature worth underlining is a specific way of communication between individuals. It is associated with whale songs, which are recognized by individuals on the distance of 1600 km. They are often observed during reproduction period, underlining the connection to family functions of mammals. This fact has alerted an attention of scientists and zoologists, dealing with gathering some facts about blue whales.
To be more précised, scientific interest is one out of two issues, which allow whales’ hunting. The other one is necessities of indigenous people in whale hunting. As a source of food it is not forbidden for the indigenous peoples of Alaska, the Far Eastern regions of Russia and Greenland, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Meat was the prime purpose of animals’ population decline; in particular, an adult blue whale individual can give about 40 tons of meat. The statistics concludes that during the 20 the century the number of whales decreased in 100 times.
However, hunting is not the only reason of blue whales disappearance. In this context, clashes with seacrafts are getting more and more serious. The average number of whale deaths from marine vessels is 1,2 accidents per year, but there are also true record years; for example, in 2007 4 fatal encounters occurred in the Pacific Ocean. Gulf of Saint Lawrence is also a region, where blue whales get lots of
injuries. According to marine observations the number of whales suffering from scars and wounds reaches 9-25%. The other negative effect sea vessels perform is a disturbance of echolocation abilities of whales. Voice signals are often silenced, which makes the communication and shoals’ formation almost impossible. It also influences on blue whales’ number within waters of the World Ocean.
Guest Post by Maria Kruk, an author for

Saturday, July 14, 2012
Against Animal Cruelty
Animals cannot speak for themselves; It is us - humans who need to voice for them. It is hence we are here to speak for them, and we expect you too will do so to raise your voice against cruelty to animals. You cannot expect your society to get really humane until it becomes a social responsibility to care for animals. It is important to familiarize yourself with the state's legal things related to animal abuse. However, it is equally important to recognize the signs of abusive behavior towards animals. But it is more than important to realize that this planet is for all - from the most intelligent human beings to a caterpillar.
The signs of cruelty towards animals have been going unnoticeable to many of us. While direct attack or killing of domesticated and street animals and animals in the wild are doubtless signs of animal abuse and cruelty, being negligent and irresponsible towards animals at home or outside is also reported as alleged animal cruelty. All animals deserve kindness and a loving touch. If your child is not mistreated and starved, Rover should not be trained to fight, bashed, euthanized or just neglected for dead. It is a keen request from us not to use animals as bait or for gambling on. It's not a humane act to set a rat on fire or skin a tortoise alive or hit a snake to death. Let our animals breath as long as the nature allows them.
Killing or abusing animals signifies emotional disorder or personality flaw in specific humans that indicates a sign of deep mental disturbance. studies in the fields of psychology and criminology have shown that people committing to the inhumane acts of abusing animals or killing them do not stop there; many of them have exhibited the tendencies of murdering humans. Researches have shown that kids with violent behavior towards pets or small animals intruding their yards usually develop violent psychopathological problems that do not remain confined to animals only. Eventually they start showing abusive tendencies to the fellow classmates and friends, which in turn takes a bigger shape and end up with showing abusive behavior towards humans. According to humanitarian Albert Schweitzer, "anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives". Robert K. Resler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) stated, "murderers...very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids". studies have shown that animal cruelty indicates offenders' tendencies towards social violence. Governments of all countries should take immediate action to stop killing animals just for fun - for example Gruesome Act of Mass Killing of Dolphins in Denmark. Serious dolphin hunts in Japan is again another example of inhumane act of animal cruelty. Mass killing of badgers in the UK, Killing of over 800 wars dogs by British Government, Killing dogs to learn how to kill by Peruvian Army are a few examples of the planet's worst inhuman acts ever. If we cannot make justice to animals, we cannot make justice to our own race.
The planet is not only a home for us humans; this is a place for all including animals, birds and plants! The oxygen is free for both humans and animals. Each of them including human beings need loving home and all kinds of nourishment to keep happy and content. Amidst all these negations and denials, The Humane Society of the United States is working with the public on individual animal cruelty cases. They are offering rewards to citizens for giving information on any kind of cruelty to animals and animal fighting resulting conviction. The legal departments of every country should consider cruelty to animals seriously.
The signs of cruelty towards animals have been going unnoticeable to many of us. While direct attack or killing of domesticated and street animals and animals in the wild are doubtless signs of animal abuse and cruelty, being negligent and irresponsible towards animals at home or outside is also reported as alleged animal cruelty. All animals deserve kindness and a loving touch. If your child is not mistreated and starved, Rover should not be trained to fight, bashed, euthanized or just neglected for dead. It is a keen request from us not to use animals as bait or for gambling on. It's not a humane act to set a rat on fire or skin a tortoise alive or hit a snake to death. Let our animals breath as long as the nature allows them.
Killing or abusing animals signifies emotional disorder or personality flaw in specific humans that indicates a sign of deep mental disturbance. studies in the fields of psychology and criminology have shown that people committing to the inhumane acts of abusing animals or killing them do not stop there; many of them have exhibited the tendencies of murdering humans. Researches have shown that kids with violent behavior towards pets or small animals intruding their yards usually develop violent psychopathological problems that do not remain confined to animals only. Eventually they start showing abusive tendencies to the fellow classmates and friends, which in turn takes a bigger shape and end up with showing abusive behavior towards humans. According to humanitarian Albert Schweitzer, "anyone who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives". Robert K. Resler, who developed profiles of serial killers for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) stated, "murderers...very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids". studies have shown that animal cruelty indicates offenders' tendencies towards social violence. Governments of all countries should take immediate action to stop killing animals just for fun - for example Gruesome Act of Mass Killing of Dolphins in Denmark. Serious dolphin hunts in Japan is again another example of inhumane act of animal cruelty. Mass killing of badgers in the UK, Killing of over 800 wars dogs by British Government, Killing dogs to learn how to kill by Peruvian Army are a few examples of the planet's worst inhuman acts ever. If we cannot make justice to animals, we cannot make justice to our own race.
The planet is not only a home for us humans; this is a place for all including animals, birds and plants! The oxygen is free for both humans and animals. Each of them including human beings need loving home and all kinds of nourishment to keep happy and content. Amidst all these negations and denials, The Humane Society of the United States is working with the public on individual animal cruelty cases. They are offering rewards to citizens for giving information on any kind of cruelty to animals and animal fighting resulting conviction. The legal departments of every country should consider cruelty to animals seriously.

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Washington State Rabies Vaccine Law Hits By Worries Over The Dog Owners Communities
Washington State recently rolled out the Rabies Vaccine Law that has no room for exceptions! What if any dog has allergic reaction to vaccines? There are many pets that have exhibited life-threatening reaction to the first rabies vaccines. Those dogs should not get another shot if they have to live. If such dogs are re-vaccinated with the rabies vaccine they will die.
Dr. Ron Schultz, professor and chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison says that there's no way to break the law, but he is quite optimistic about little changes in the law. However, on the other hand professor Schultz said, "there's absolutely no dependable way to prevent these reactions in some dogs", although an antihistamine an hour before vaccination can prevent such adversity, yet chances are there that such dogs may ultimately suffer a bad ending. Professor Scultz says, "we're trying to get states to recognize rabies titers (or antibodies to determine if the pets remain protected by their previous vaccine) even at three years in lieu of re-vaccination. Titers are a reliable determination. But state regulators don't always ask vaccine experts, and may themselves not be veterinarians. What's more, laws vary from state to state and even within states. There's no standardization."
Candidly speaking, a law without any exception - especially in situations when it comes to questioning a life, is basically a non-sense regulation. If it was me, I would not have vaccinated my dog, making experimentation with his life - one precious life! Even though I clearly understand and would like to abide by the rules and regulations laid by the pet vaccine law for rabies, I would still look for allowance for exceptions to the law. The "titers", as explained by Dr. Ron Schultz is another sensible option, although not a solution!
The Washington State Veterinary Medical Association should advocate for another amendment in the current Rabies Vaccine Law, with allowance for exceptions.
Dr. Ron Schultz, professor and chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison says that there's no way to break the law, but he is quite optimistic about little changes in the law. However, on the other hand professor Schultz said, "there's absolutely no dependable way to prevent these reactions in some dogs", although an antihistamine an hour before vaccination can prevent such adversity, yet chances are there that such dogs may ultimately suffer a bad ending. Professor Scultz says, "we're trying to get states to recognize rabies titers (or antibodies to determine if the pets remain protected by their previous vaccine) even at three years in lieu of re-vaccination. Titers are a reliable determination. But state regulators don't always ask vaccine experts, and may themselves not be veterinarians. What's more, laws vary from state to state and even within states. There's no standardization."
Candidly speaking, a law without any exception - especially in situations when it comes to questioning a life, is basically a non-sense regulation. If it was me, I would not have vaccinated my dog, making experimentation with his life - one precious life! Even though I clearly understand and would like to abide by the rules and regulations laid by the pet vaccine law for rabies, I would still look for allowance for exceptions to the law. The "titers", as explained by Dr. Ron Schultz is another sensible option, although not a solution!
The Washington State Veterinary Medical Association should advocate for another amendment in the current Rabies Vaccine Law, with allowance for exceptions.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Shame on British Government: Already 800 War Dogs Killed
The British Government euthanized 807 war dogs over the past ten years.
807 war dogs that have served on the front lines with British soldiers have been finally rewarded with the ultimate price for the heroic services rendered. The British Government proudly euthanized the war heroes. This fact was disclosed after government officials had confirmed the figures in the response to Freedom of Information requested by the Daily Mirror.
According to the government officials, the dogs had behavioral problem (too fierce), and could not be kept as pets. With this as an excuse, the British Government have been continuously killing the dogs in mass, in a very cautious and surreptitious way. Most of these dogs had served during the emergencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, when they did not even know that they would have to end their journey shortly after the war.
According to the Ministry of Defense, 20 dogs were put down in the year 2002, 89 dogs were put down in 2003, with the beginning of the Second Gulf War. The number rose up to 95 in the year 2006 and finally 125 in 2009. The dog lovers like us are claiming an answer to the reason behind the government's shamefully insane act. Considering this as a tragic practice, the Labour MP Kerry McCarthy said, "this is shocking. It seems a great shame that animals are destroyed in this way." McCarthy also said, "we need to make sure that every effort is made to find them new homes." According to the government officials retraining turns out to be ineffective and the dogs usually become too dangerous to be kept with new owners.
If the dog becomes too fierce to be re-homed, that's a behavioral issues and the dogs should be, in no ways, blamed for the kind of behavior they exhibit. It is the result of the non-grammatical way of treating and training them through out the service life. It should be considered as their handlers' fault. Why should those innocent lives be claimed?
807 war dogs that have served on the front lines with British soldiers have been finally rewarded with the ultimate price for the heroic services rendered. The British Government proudly euthanized the war heroes. This fact was disclosed after government officials had confirmed the figures in the response to Freedom of Information requested by the Daily Mirror.
According to the government officials, the dogs had behavioral problem (too fierce), and could not be kept as pets. With this as an excuse, the British Government have been continuously killing the dogs in mass, in a very cautious and surreptitious way. Most of these dogs had served during the emergencies in Iraq and Afghanistan, when they did not even know that they would have to end their journey shortly after the war.
According to the Ministry of Defense, 20 dogs were put down in the year 2002, 89 dogs were put down in 2003, with the beginning of the Second Gulf War. The number rose up to 95 in the year 2006 and finally 125 in 2009. The dog lovers like us are claiming an answer to the reason behind the government's shamefully insane act. Considering this as a tragic practice, the Labour MP Kerry McCarthy said, "this is shocking. It seems a great shame that animals are destroyed in this way." McCarthy also said, "we need to make sure that every effort is made to find them new homes." According to the government officials retraining turns out to be ineffective and the dogs usually become too dangerous to be kept with new owners.
If the dog becomes too fierce to be re-homed, that's a behavioral issues and the dogs should be, in no ways, blamed for the kind of behavior they exhibit. It is the result of the non-grammatical way of treating and training them through out the service life. It should be considered as their handlers' fault. Why should those innocent lives be claimed?

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Animal Shelter Portraits: Photography Book
This photography book is comprised of deeply compassionate and haunting portraits of our furred friends. This book contains stellar photographs of these helpless animals abandoned at kill shelters. Photographer Mark Ross’s compelling photographs capture a snapshot glimpse of our animal companions in their moment of greatest need, acting as a reminder that our decision to adopt them is the difference between life and death. A percentage of proceeds will go to The No Kill Advocacy Center.

Monday, March 5, 2012
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse : Queenly Beauty Under The Indian Ocean
Here's a little information about a rare kind of aquarium fish - Bluestreak cleaner wrasse. Aquarium lovers will fall in love of the electric beauty of this fish. This is one of those immensely beautiful species of cleaner wrasse that are found on coral reefs in the Indian Ocean. Marine aquarists will surely love this wonderful fish.
Bluestreak cleaner wrasse
Labroides dimidiatus
Family: Labridae (Wrasses)
Distribution: Indo-Pacific, Red Sea and East Africa to the Line, Marquesan, and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe and Rapa islands.
Description: The Common Cleaner Wrasse is also known as the Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Inhabits the coral rich areas of inner lagoons and sub tidal reef flats to seaward reefs and can grow up to 3.9 inches. The Common Cleaner Wrasse has different color patterns; some are dark in color with a silver stripe, while others are white with a dark band and a bright yellow spot at the tail. The Cleaner Wrasse is well known for its cleaning behavior, it establishes a cleaning station. A protogynous hermaphrodite Stays in these stations where other fish come to be cleaned of unwanted parasites and develops a symbiotic relationship with the other reef fish by cleaning them. The cleaner wrasses begin their lives as females of a group of 6-8 cleaner wrasses with one male, the rest are females or juveniles. The dominant female changes its sex when the male dies, an phenomenon known as sequential hermaphroditism. With a most intriguing dance these are amazingly beautiful specimen in an aquarium but like all other Cleaner Wrasse the sustainability in captivity is very less. This is a high maintenance fish. This fish has Medium resilience, minimum population doubling time 1.4 - 4.4 years
Environment: Cleaner Wrasse needs a tank of about 30 gallons or more with abundance of space to hide and swim. It relishes gravel or sand. Water quality should be high with 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4 and Temperature should preferably be 72 - 78° F.
Feeding: Common Cleaner Wrasse is a carnivore fish, it prefers diets consisting of chopped sea foods, brine shrimp, and live black worms. It should be fed at least three times a day.
Behavior: They are peaceful in nature. It usually swims singly, in pairs, and in groups. Some adults solitary and territorial
Compatibility: Cleaner wrasse develops a symbiotic relationship with the other tank mates. Kept together they develop compatibility with the tank inhabitants.
Bluestreak cleaner wrasse
Labroides dimidiatus
Family: Labridae (Wrasses)
Distribution: Indo-Pacific, Red Sea and East Africa to the Line, Marquesan, and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe and Rapa islands.
Description: The Common Cleaner Wrasse is also known as the Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse Inhabits the coral rich areas of inner lagoons and sub tidal reef flats to seaward reefs and can grow up to 3.9 inches. The Common Cleaner Wrasse has different color patterns; some are dark in color with a silver stripe, while others are white with a dark band and a bright yellow spot at the tail. The Cleaner Wrasse is well known for its cleaning behavior, it establishes a cleaning station. A protogynous hermaphrodite Stays in these stations where other fish come to be cleaned of unwanted parasites and develops a symbiotic relationship with the other reef fish by cleaning them. The cleaner wrasses begin their lives as females of a group of 6-8 cleaner wrasses with one male, the rest are females or juveniles. The dominant female changes its sex when the male dies, an phenomenon known as sequential hermaphroditism. With a most intriguing dance these are amazingly beautiful specimen in an aquarium but like all other Cleaner Wrasse the sustainability in captivity is very less. This is a high maintenance fish. This fish has Medium resilience, minimum population doubling time 1.4 - 4.4 years
Environment: Cleaner Wrasse needs a tank of about 30 gallons or more with abundance of space to hide and swim. It relishes gravel or sand. Water quality should be high with 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4 and Temperature should preferably be 72 - 78° F.
Feeding: Common Cleaner Wrasse is a carnivore fish, it prefers diets consisting of chopped sea foods, brine shrimp, and live black worms. It should be fed at least three times a day.
Behavior: They are peaceful in nature. It usually swims singly, in pairs, and in groups. Some adults solitary and territorial
Compatibility: Cleaner wrasse develops a symbiotic relationship with the other tank mates. Kept together they develop compatibility with the tank inhabitants.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Rare Limlebless Amphibian Discovered:

It's native is northeastern India. The worm-like creature is one of the 6 potentially new species that belongs to a mysterious group of animals falling under "Caecilians" family - Christened Chikilidae ("Chikila" is the name for caecilians, give by the local tribes). Interestingly, Caecilians' closest relatives live over 7,000 miles away from India, in the tropical Africa, according to a report delivered by the research team.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Brookesia Micra - World's Tiniest Chameleon Discovered

Unmatched among the chameleon species, Brookesia micra (B. micra), the planet's smallest chameleon species was discovered on the African island country, Madagascar. The flora and fauna of Madagascar have been evolved into some really weirdest styles, amd structures. Where else on this planet, other than Madagascar, can you find over 70 distinctives types of lemur? It is this place that you can find a variety of Lemur one that calls like a siren of the cops' vehicle. World's largest chameleon h\was discovered here at Madagascar, and yet this is another weirdest off all discoveries - the world’s smallest chameleon, Brookesia micra that has an average length, of little over an inch. With a length of around 2.9 centimeters from snout to tail, the Brookesia micra is considered as the world's tiniest reptile ever discovered. It is so tiny that it can just perch on the tip of a match stick at ease.
According to the researchers this unusually small new species of chameleon indicates the extreme cases dwarfism on this island. Researchers think that the organisms here at this African island country of Madagascar have shrunk in dimension due to lack of resources on this place. According to the study leader Frank Glaw of Germany's Zoological State Collection said in a statement, "the extreme miniaturization of these dwarf reptiles might be accompanied by numerous specializations of the body plan, and this constitutes a promising field for future research."
While discussing more about this amazing creature, Glaw said said that it is not an easy task to find them. He said, for such a tiny reptile, "up into the branches" means just a 4 inches off the ground, shich makes it really unnoticeable. "However, once spotted, the tiny lizards aren't tough to catch," Glaw said. He added, "They are sleeping and you can just pick them up. It's like picking a strawberry. They do not move at all at night."

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